Our dogs are purebred White Swiss Shepherds.
You can find more information about our dogs here: https://kennelsonsofnorth.com/sons-of-north-kennel/
Here is a some information about the breed:
In the USA and Canada White Shepherd dogs have gradually become to be accepted as a distinct breed. The first dogs of this breed were imported to Switzerland in the early 70ies. The American male “Lobo”, whelped on 5th of March 1966, can be considered as the progenitor of the breed in Switzerland. The descendants of this male registered with the Swiss Stud Book (LOS) and other White Shepherd dogs imported from the USA and Canada, gradually multiplied. There now exists a big number of pure-bred over several generations White Shepherd dogs throughout Europe. These dogs have been registered as a new breed in the appendix of the Swiss Stud Book (LOS) since June 1991.
Official description of the breed:
Lively and balanced temperament, enjoys action, attentive with good ability to be trained. Friendly and discreet. High social competence and devoted to his owner. Never afraid or aggressive without provocation. A joyful and easy to teach working and sporting dog with capability for all round education. High social competence allows for a marked ability to adapt and integrate to all kinds of social events and situations.
This is also interesting information about the breed:
“These dogs are well known for their capabilities as protective pets. Having been trained to protect herds, they have an innate protective instinct, especially for the young.
With their protective nature, they have an impressive physical build that is likely to ward off any intruders from coming near the property. Should there be a threat present, these dogs would be willing to fiercely protect their owner.
This being said, no dog should be placed in the direct threat of injury or be relied on for being a guard dog.
Paired with their muscular build is a booming bark. The dog’s alert and impressive hearing allows almost nothing that comes near the property to go unnoticed.
The White Swiss Shepherd Dog is notorious for its ability to not only alert their owner to a threat with its bark, but also to scare off whatever it may be.”
Here is a link to this whole text https://www.dog-breeds-expert.com/white-swiss-shepherd-dog.html